PHP Web Development And Bespoke Web application.

PHP is very powerful Web Development language which develop the Web Applications in a very fast and very effective way.It was founded in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf for developing his set of tools to accomplish his normal web related tasks and he named it PERSONAL HOMEPAGE. At the time the PHP was in early stage. Now at the end of November 2007 the PHP gained the popularity and team of developers from all over the world contribute in its growth.

In a survey by NETCRAFT at the beginning of 1999, reported that about 1,000,000 users all over the world are using it from their development. Due to its popularity the two developers contribute in its growth and they release the PHP 4.0 also they have established ZEND which is now using worldwide by developers as a ZEND IDE, ZEND Server and many more, You can visit Zend at Due to its gaining popularity soon it comes in to various flavors to suit the end customer's requirements like JOOMLA a RAPID tool for CMS development, PHPBB a RAPID tool or we can say a platform for PHPBB forums.

PHP AT WW Made Easy

We are a group of PHP smart brains having 5 yrs of core development experience using PHP. We make the web site is compliant with the latest web standards, making it accessible and usable to all Internet users and agents. PHP is that it can really help a business website add features such as user Catalogs, inventory, order-taking, shopping cart, integration with payment services, and many other applications necessary for a successful company web page.

If you want to build a company website, you will probably want to use some of the applications and features that PHP can offer you. That's why you might want to talk to the trained team of professional web designers at Web Studio to learn what PHP can do for you.

Web Studio focuses completely on custom PHP shopping cart solutions that fits specifically to your business needs. Our E-Comerce solutions and PHP Shopping carts, Ecommerce credit card processing, Coupon codes, gift certificates, quantity discounts, etc. In the present day and time, it is impossible to underestimate the benefits that a web ecommerce site brings to its owner - low entry costs, access to the global market, mouth-watering revenues, to name a few.

Our Web Development Process:

Our Web designers build and strengthen your brand identity on the Internet and help implement functions that will complement your brick-and-mortar business. Getting the highest quality results on web design and development projects requires a sound design and development process. Here is a general overview of the process that Web Studio follows with each project.

Stage 1- An initial discussion by e-mail or telephone, we will prepare a free proposal document detailing your requirements together with the fees and time scales for our services and a detailed discussion with you that will help us determine the specific requirements.

Stage 2- If you are satisfied with the proposal document and need to discuss it further, we will then hold a face-to-face meeting or a further discussion by email or telephone. During this discussion we will finalise any points prior to entering into an agreement.

Stage 3- Our top web designers working with Web Studio will have a detailed discussion with you that will help us determine the specific requirements such as number of web pages, number of custom graphics, animations, navigation links and website structure and then prepare a demo layout to give you a fair idea of the look, feel and functionality of the website. Before beginning the actual development, it is important to understand what goals we want to accomplish and how to accomplish them. The demo layout will help you understand how the Web solution will impact the target audience. Once it gets your approval, our Web designers create the entire website and implement the functionalities you have asked for.

Stage 4-During testing, our web designers give a fully functional demonstration so that modifications can be made and changes can be implemented in case you require those. We also test the features to ensure that the website is user-friendly and creates no undue difficulties for your potential clients.

If your company needs a website designed, or your existing site re-designed; whether you know exactly what you want your company's online representation to look like or haven't a clue, our professional graphics designers and web designers will work to create almost anything in your mind can dream up for your website's design. Contact Us for details and see our affordable web design packages.